Insurance List

Jennifer K Pietrzak, LCSW (Licensed Clinical Social Worker)
Tax ID: 82-1355655, NPI #: 1699854331


**Clients should always contact their insurance company to find out beyond a doubt whether I am a provider for their specific plan AND to obtain benefit information and authorization, including the reimbursement of telehealth services on your insurance plan. The variations among insurance plans is significant and the only way to be sure of your benefit is for you to speak directly to your insurance company regarding benefits for behavioral health. Green Valley Therapy submits claim forms to insurance companies with your authorization, and complies with the policies of the companies for which I am in-network.

Aetna (some plans are not included)
Anthem (some plans are not included)
BlueCross/Blue Shield (some plans are not included)
Business Health Services
Tricare West
UMR (some plans are not included)

Insurances Accepted as Out-of-Network
Some insurances offer out of network benefits. Clients may check with their insurances to see if they have out-of-network benefits. Out-of-Network benefits usually involve a deductible which is higher than an in-network deductible, and then a co-insurance which is usually a percentage of total cost. Cost to clients using out-of-networks benefits is usually significantly higher than utilizing a provider in-network and MAY OR MAY NOT be less expensive than paying out of pocket for sessions. Clients can access Superbills for each session on my client portal to use when submitting out-of-network claims to insurance.


There are several logos on insurance cards and it can be difficult to ascertain which name provides the mental health coverage. The back of the card also sometimes says “for mental/behavioral health contact…” and there will be a name listed there. That contact number will give more information about coverage for counseling. Any doubt should be clarified by calling your company.